
Kitchen Sink

export const currentTsSyntax = type({
  keyword: "null",
  stringLiteral: "'TS'",
  numberLiteral: "5",
  bigintLiteral: "5n",
  union: "string|number",
  intersection: "boolean&true",
  array: "Date[]",
  grouping: "(0|1)[]",
  objectLiteral: {
    nested: "string",
    "optional?": "number",
  arrayOfObjectLiteral: [
      name: "string",
  tuple: ["number", "number"],
  keyof: "keyof object",
  variadicTuples: ["true", "...", "false[]"],
  arrayOfObjectLiteralChained: type({ name: "string" }).array(),


// runtime-specific syntax and builtin keywords with great error messages
export const validationSyntax = type({
  keywords: " | string.uuid | string.creditCard | number.integer", // and many more
  builtinParsers: "", // parses a Date from a string
  nativeRegexLiteral: /@arktype\.io/,
  embeddedRegexLiteral: " & /@arktype\\.io/",
  divisibility: "number % 10", // a multiple of 10
  bound: "string.alpha > 10", // an alpha-only string with more than 10 characters
  range: "1 <=[] < 100", // a list of 1 to 99 emails
  narrows: ["number", ":", (n) => n % 2 === 1], // an odd integer
  morphs: ["string", "=>", parseFloat], // validates a string input then parses it to a number
// root-level expressions
const intersected = type({ value: "string" }, "&", { format: "'bigint'" });
// chained expressions via .or, .and, .narrow, .pipe and much more
//  (these replace previous helper methods like union and intersection)
const user = type({
  name: "string",
  age: "number",
// type is fully introspectable and traversable
const parseUser = type("string").pipe((s) => JSON.parse(s), user);
const maybeMe = parseUser('{ "name": "David" }');
if (maybeMe instanceof type.errors) {
  // "age must be a number (was missing)"

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